GST Michigan Works!

Employment Agencies
- 711 North Saginaw Street Suite 300 Flint MI 48503-1703
- 810-233-5974
- 810-233-8652
- Visit GST Michigan Works!
8:00 - 5:00 | Monday thru Friday
Driving Directions:
Located at 711 N. Saginaw Street, Flint across the street from Catholic Charities Center of Hope
About Us
GST Michigan Works! is one of sixteen (16) Michigan Works! agencies across the State of Michigan operating workforce development programs designed to assist employers in finding skilled workers and job seekers prepare for, find and retain employment.
GST Michigan Works! is governed by a Board of Commissioners representing Genesee, Huron, Lapeer, Sanilac, Shiawassee, and Tuscola counties. In addition to the governing Board, a separate region-wide Workforce Development Board (WDB) made up of 21 members, leads the vision and planning decisions of the organization.
GST Michigan Works! has a region-wide team of employer-focused Business Solutions Professionals available in all six counties to serve the needs of businesses. Additionally, GST offers a variety of employment services facilitated by an experienced staff of Career Counselors, Employment Specialists, and a diverse network of partners offering a host of Education, Training, and Development resources.